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时间:2024-04-25   浏览:6次

1、美人如炬,美人如草。——《美人草》 Beauty is like a torch, and beauty is like grass. 2、我跟你们谁都不熟,我只想要我哥。——《快把我哥带走》 I don't know any of you. I just want my brother. 3、西瓜香蕉你个巴拉!你敢整我?——《东成西就》 Watermelon banana you Bala! You dare to screw me? 4、原来寂寞的时候,所有人都一样。——《春光乍泄》 When I was lonely, everyone was the same. 5、死娘炮,哪来那么多的废话!——《双世宠妃2》 Dead mother gun, how come so much nonsense! 6、生而为人,对不起。——《被嫌弃的松子一生》 I'm sorry I was born. 7、我谁都不想跟,我只想跟着我哥。——《快把我哥带走》 I don't want to follow anyone. I just want to follow my brother. 8、敬礼是看军衔,不是看人!——《兄弟连》 Salute depends on rank, not on people! 9、我要逃离,我要浪迹天涯。——《囧妈》 I want to escape, I want to roam the world. 10、做人生不逢时,比做鬼还惨。——《倩女幽魂》 It's worse to be a ghost than to be a ghost. 11、我是例外,你是我的例外。——《其实他没那么喜欢你》 I'm the exception. You're my exception. 12、我找到了那个孩子。——《旺角卡门》 I found the child. 13、有什么丢人?谁往脏处想谁丢人!——《芳华》 What's the shame? Who think dirty, who shame! 14、活人能让尿憋死?——《疯狂的外星人》 Can live person let urine suffocate? 15、有生之年,誓死娇宠。——《三千鸦杀》 When you are alive, you will be spoiled. 16、大人,那您说怎么办!——《神探狄仁杰》 What do you say, my lord! 17、你爱吃的东西,我请不起!——《玉观音》 I can't afford your favorite food! 18、一直打手机,会老年痴呆的。——《囧妈》 Always on the cell phone, will Alzheimer's disease. 19、可埋葬的是秘密,无处安放的是心事。——《心迷宫》 What can be buried is a secret, but there is no place to lay a mind. 20、美丽的事物不轻易惹人注意。——《白日梦想家》 Beautiful things are not easily noticed. 21、你是我每天早上起床的唯一动力。——《遇见你之前》 You are my only motivation to get up in the morning. 22、我将给他一个无法拒绝的理由。——《教父》 I will give him a reason why he can't refuse. 23、给你一个七月,换你一个安生。——《七月与安生》 I'll give you a July in exchange for a rest. 24、原来爱,是最苦的甜。——《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》 Love is the bitterest sweet. 25、神,生于人心,死于人性。——《娘道》 God, born in human heart, died of human nature. 26、愿原力与你同在!——《星球大战》 May the Force be with you! 27、我贱癌入骨,医生说晚期了。——《美人鱼》 I have cancer in my bones. The doctor says it's late. 28、念念不忘,必有回响。——《一代宗师》 Something that stays in your mind will someday spring up in your life. 29、你跳,我也跳!——《泰坦尼克号》 You jump, I jump too! 30、要想人前显贵,必得人后遭罪。——《霸王别姬》 If you want to be distinguished in front of others, you will suffer after others. 31、我要打十个!——《叶问》 I'm going to hit ten! 32、在她面前我要维护你,在你面前我要维护她。——《囧妈》 I will defend you in front of her, and I will defend her in front of you. 33、我愿意做个犯错的人,也不愿错过你……——《似水年华》 I'd like to be a person who makes mistakes, and I don't want to miss you 34、放弃吧,论美貌你是比不过我的。——《终极一班2》 Give up. You can't beat me in beauty. 35、叔叔你好穷啊!——《楚乔传》 Uncle, you are poor! 36、要想人前显贵,您必定人后受罪。——《霸王别姬》 If you want to be distinguished, you must suffer later. 37、一切归于尘土。——《角斗士》 All return to the dust. 38、情欲无限,坦诚相见。——《我知女人心》 There's no limit to lust. Be honest. 39、不要轻言放弃,否则对不起自己。——《新结婚时代》 Don't give up easily, or you will be sorry for yourself. 40、我的体重是我自己的事。——《加菲猫》 My weight is my own business.






十年生死两茫茫 不思量
· 十年生死两茫茫 不思量
