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时间:2024-05-07   浏览:7次

1、从未想过要其它,只想和你有个家。 Never thought of anything else, just want to have a home with you. 2、我决定不再流泪,就像你决定要离开我一般地坚定。 I decided not to cry again, just as you decided to leave me. 3、保持乐观积极地情绪,逆着阳光,一路向前! Keep optimistic and positive mood, against the sun, all the way forward! 4、往公牛身上再使劲,也挤不出一滴奶来。 No matter how hard you put on the bull, you can't squeeze out a drop of milk. 5、活着不是要用眼泪博得同情,而是用汗水赢得掌声。 To live is not to win sympathy with tears, but to win applause with sweat. 6、一群鸽子腾空而起,像是誓言,又像是虚幻。 A group of pigeons soared into the air, like vows and illusions. 7、也没有很想你,只是看到情话都想告诉你。 I don't miss you very much. I just want to tell you when I see love words. 8、其实对你真正好的人,你一辈子,也不会遇到几个。 In fact, you will never meet a few people who are really good to you in your life. 9、抛弃所有,只愿与他相守,这大概就是爱上一个人了吧。 Abandon all, only willing to stay with him, this is probably in love with a person. 10、我没有别的东西奉献,唯有辛劳泪水和血汗。 I have nothing but sweat, blood and dedication. 11、努力不一定能带来成功,但是一定能带来成长。 Hard work may not bring success, but it will bring growth. 12、心里是光明的,黑暗就会在你的面前退却。 The heart is bright, the darkness will retreat in front of you. 13、他说万人空巷我也陪你,如今人潮拥挤他却不在。 He said that I will accompany you in the empty lane, but now he is not in the crowd. 14、想把你藏进梦里,天亮也带不走你。 If I want to hide you in my dream, I can't take you away at dawn. 15、只有人欣赏你的成功,没有人计较你的手段。 Only people appreciate your success, no one cares about your means. 16、你努力后的成功,不能弥补你成功前的痛苦。 The success after your efforts can't make up for the pain before your success. 17、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 18、对我来说,一件尚未实现的事,就是我有生之年的最大鞭策。 For me, one thing that has not yet been realized is the greatest spur of my life. 19、我希望心里下一场刀子雨,把赖在里面不走的人剁成肉泥。 I hope there will be a knife rain in my heart, and I will chop the people who stay in it into meat mud. 20、我偷听到你对上帝说你非我不嫁,所以我不想你背叛上帝嘛! I overheard you tell God that you must marry me, so I don't want you to betray God! 21、不管昨夜经历了怎样的泣不成声,今早依旧车水马龙。 No matter what kind of sobbing we experienced last night, we are still busy this morning. 22、矜持我装不来,淑女不是我的路,所以我注定当个泼妇。 I can't pretend to be reserved. Ladies are not my way, so I'm destined to be a shrew. 23、你坚持的东西,总有一天会反过来拥抱你。 What you insist on will embrace you one day. 24、一个胜利者不会放弃,而一个放弃者永远不会胜利。 A winner will not give up, and a quitter will never win. 25、人不能低下高贵的头,但捡钱的时候例外。 People can't lower their noble heads, except when they pick up money. 26、没有女神的气质,我只能安静的做个逗比。 No goddess temperament, I can only be a quiet teaser. 27、分享日常这件事太暧昧了,你只许跟我做。 It's too ambiguous to share daily life. You can only do it with me. 28、无论怎样,我始终是爱你的,累了,回家,我做好了饭,等你。 No matter what, I always love you, tired, go home, I cooked a meal, waiting for you. 29、好想每天睁开眼睛就能看到你,当我和你走在一起就已经决定。 I want to see you every day when I open my eyes. When I walk with you, I have decided. 30、成长中不计后果的那段,叫做青春。 The period of reckless growth is called youth. 31、一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。 One's dream may not be valuable, but one's efforts are valuable. 32、别因为凑合恋爱,让不适合的人,带走了最好的你。 Don't let the unsuitable person take away the best you just because of making do with love. 33、人生,不求活得完美,但求活得实在。 Life, not to live perfect, but to live really. 34、人生重要的不是你从哪里来,而是你到哪里去。 What matters in life is not where you come from, but where you go. 35、谢谢你,在这世界的角落,找到了我。 Thank you for finding me in the corner of the world. 36、我想牵你的手,从心动到古稀。 I want to hold your hand, from heart to rare. 37、我想你一定很忙,所以你只看前面三个字就好了。 I think you must be very busy, so just look at the first three words. 38、青年时的失败要比壮年时的胜利,老年时的成功更令人满意。 Failure in youth is more satisfying than victory in manhood and success in old age. 39、若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。 If you don't set limits on yourself, there will be no barriers in your life to limit your play. 40、人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。 As long as people do not lose direction, they will not lose themselves. 41、我还是喜欢你,像老故事里泛黄的桥段,半聋半哑失了声息。 I still like you, like the yellow bridge in the old story, half deaf and half dumb. 42、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功! There is no failure, only temporary stop success! 43、我这一辈子可真够无聊的,是很无聊,直到遇见你。 My life can be really boring, is very boring, until I met you. 44、生活不止眼前的苟且,还有前任发来的请帖。 Life is not just about the present, but also about the invitation from my predecessor. 45、成熟是给陌生人看的,幼稚的一面才是给最爱的人看的。 Mature is for strangers, naive side is for the most loved one. 46、虚情假意的人你别说对不起,你滚就是最好的道歉。 Don't say I'm sorry for the hypocritical person. You'd better get out of here. 47、一切从我开始,首先改变自己;改变现实先从改变想法开始。 Everything starts from me, first change yourself; change reality, first change your mind. 48、只因你太美好,令我无法坦白说出我爱你。 Just because you are so beautiful that I can't tell you I love you. 49、小点儿声看我,这样你就闻不到我的心事了。 Look at me quietly, so you can't smell my mind. 50、人啊,只有尝遍了人情冷暖,才会明白何为世态炎凉! People, only after tasting all kinds of human feelings, can we understand what is the coldness of the world!






· 祝老爸生日快乐简短语
