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时间:2024-05-07   浏览:6次

1、情人节。单身只有隐身! Valentine's Day. Single only invisible! 2、面对满满的失望,也只能笑着说没事。 In the face of full disappointment, I can only smile and say nothing. 3、以前我们相濡以沫,现在我们形同陌路。 In the past, we used to help each other, but now we are strangers. 4、提前断了的弦,下辈子我们再续上。 Early broken string, next life we continue. 5、每一天醒来,你的清影就在我眼前转。 Every day when I wake up, your shadow turns in front of my eyes. 6、从你离开的那一刻开始,便注定我会思念。 From the moment you left, I was destined to miss you. 7、情人节,我依旧在等待。 Valentine's day, I'm still waiting. 8、放下该放下的你、退出没结局的剧。 Let go of what you have to let go and quit the drama without ending. 9、摸不透的感情,还不如放弃的好。 It's better to give up the feeling that can't be touched. 10、没有情人的情人节该怎么过呢? How to spend Valentine's Day Without Valentine's day? 11、真正需要的时候却无人陪伴。 When it's really needed, it's not accompanied. 12、情人节,祝你快乐,不用管我。 Happy Valentine's day, leave me alone. 13、情人劫让读书的孩子们情何以堪呢! How can lovers rob children of reading! 14、情人节,一个人过的节日总是那么微小。 Valentine's day, a person's holiday is always so small. 15、只有等到物是人非之后,人才会懂得怀念。 Only when things are different can we know how to miss them. 16、单身的情人节,期待那天下倾盆大雨。 On Valentine's day, I look forward to the rain. 17、情人节,我依旧一个人。 Valentine's day, I'm still alone. 18、一个人的情人节过了这么多年,今天依旧。 A person's Valentine's day after so many years, today is still. 19、一个人的情人节,抒写着我的忧伤。 A person's Valentine's day, describes my sadness. 20、你慢慢出走,我渐渐放手。 You run away slowly, I let go gradually. 21、情人节一个人过。 Valentine's day alone. 22、那些我给你的爱,早已支离破碎。 The love I give you is already broken. 23、情人节,就是一群人的寂寞。 Valentine's Day is the loneliness of a group of people. 24、情人节叫单身的我们情何以堪。 How can we be single on Valentine's day. 25、空白是因为,文字也表达不了这份感情。 Blank is because the words can not express this feeling. 26、一如既往孤独相伴,情人节与我何干。 As always alone, Valentine's day with me. 27、其实爱对了人,情人节每天都过。 In fact, love the right person, Valentine's day every day. 28、没有一个人可以完全属于另一个人。 No one can belong entirely to another. 29、情人节却成了我们的分手日。 Valentine's day has become our parting day. 30、爱情,不是一加一,就能等于二。 Love, not one plus one, can equal two. 31、都没有情人,哪来情人节快乐。 There is no lover. Happy Valentine's day. 32、我的世界没有爱,命中注定要分开。 My world has no love. It's destined to be separated. 33、我是个俗人,爱吃火锅爱喝奶茶,你呢? I'm a layman. I like hot pot and milk tea. How about you? 34、带上耳机,这个情人节与我无关。 Put on your headphones. This Valentine's day has nothing to do with me. 35、情人节有谁可以陪我过呢? Who can accompany me on Valentine's day? 36、你走了,留给我那刻苦铭心的回忆。 You left, leaving me that hard and unforgettable memory. 37、准备好了再爱,而不是寂寞的时候。 Ready to love again, not lonely time. 38、我们只能是普通朋友无论我怎么挽救。 We can only be ordinary friends no matter how I save them. 39、如果结局不是我要的,那就放弃所有吧。 If the ending is not what I want, then give up everything. 40、今天情人节,我的影子陪我过。 Today Valentine's day, my shadow accompanies me. 41、情人节,情人结,情人劫。 Valentine's day, Valentine's day, Valentine's day. 42、情人节你是否也是自己或是情人不在身边。 Whether you are yourself or not on Valentine's day. 43、一个人,一盒烟,一个情人节。 A person, a box of cigarettes, a Valentine's day. 44、一个人的情人节,我会好好珍惜我自己。 A person's Valentine's day, I will cherish myself. 45、原来我们的罕觏,这一世,只有那么一次。 Originally our Han Gou, this life, only then one time. 46、一个只有滥情而没有爱情的年代。 A time when there is only love but no love. 47、情人节对人说鬼话,清明节对鬼说人话。 On Valentine's day, ghosts talk to people. On Qingming Day, ghosts talk to people. 48、情人节过后,咱会过的一样潇洒。 After Valentine's day, we will have the same natural and unrestrained. 49、只有不伤手的立白,没有不分手的恋。 Only do not hurt the hands of LiBai, no love does not break up. 50、你们慢慢过吧,我一个人过的也很好。 Take your time. I'm fine on my own.






· 祝老爸生日快乐简短语
